Guagua Gospel: Remembering 9/11/2001 and Remembering Mychal Judge, OFM

Mychal's Prayer:

"Lord, take me where You want me to go,
Let me meet who You want me to meet,
Tell me what You want me to say,
And keep me out of Your way.

Father My­chal Judge, who was a Fran­cis­can Fa­ther, is the sub­ject of the film SAINT OF 9/11. He gave a life­time of ser­vice as an im­age of Christ on earth. For example, re­quest­ed to be trans­fered to Man­hat­tan in the 80's, so that he could min­is­ter to AIDS pa­tients, at a time when doc­tors and nurs­es were re­fus­ing to touch pa­tients with "Gay Can­cer". Lat­er My­chal gave years of ser­vice as a Chap­lain to the New York City Fire De­part­ment (FDNY).

He per­formed nu­mer­ous re­li­gious ser­vices (bap­tisms, mass­es, fu­ner­als) for FD­NY per­son­el. In ad­di­ton, it was his cus­tom to mon­i­tor the ra­dio and go to the sites of ma­jor emer­gen­cies. He want­ed to be with the people he served at the site of emer­gen­cies, to of­fer prac­ti­cal help, and prayer. And so on the morn­ing of Septem­ber 11, 2001, Father Mychal was at the emergency command center at the base of the North Tower of the WTC. He was offering prayers and aid to the injured, the dead, and rescuers, when he was killed by debris from the collapse of the South Tower.

The New Teste­ment calls us to "Pray with­out ceas­ing ". Even ten years after his death in the attacks of 9/11, My­chal's prayer has not ceased. His prayer was not si­lenced by ha­tred, vi­o­lence, or ho­mo­pho­bia. I hope that this song may lift his prayer into our hearts, and from our hearts to God's. In Father Mychal's last homily he said: ".You have no idea what God is calling you to. But he needs you. He needs me. He needs all of us." Amen.

For more of Mychal's story watch SAINT OF 9/11 or it's trailer. If you like this song just send me a message and I'll send you a live recording of it.

This song is al­so ded­i­cat­ed to Alan Olivieri, MD. Es­toy muy orgul­loso de ti. Que des­cansas en paz, tio. Te quiero.

Mu­sic by Mar­cos de Jesús, ar­range­ment by Marcos and Ho­race Beasley. Main track recorded at Trinity Lutheran Church at 100th and Amsterdam; where Horace is our intrepidly talented music director and I often play the drums. Text based on the per­son­al prayer of Fr. My­chal F. Judge, OFM. Mar­cos: vo­cals. Ho­race: pi­ano. Thanks to Horace for his wonderful playing and wide ranging lessons. Thanks to Ho­race and Mar­i­lyn for helping me learn how to pray in song in the Gospel tradition.

Thanks for Listening,


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